I see the square which I am sending as having a very clear message. There are two women in black and their message is written on the square.
Women in Black is a powerful image. It stands for peace and courage. Women in Black have stood in Argentina, Africa, Yugoslavia, United States and Jerusalem and in so many more countries. One time when I was standing in Berkeley, USA, a woman came up to me and told me she is Australian, that she stands in Sidney with Women in Black. Sisters reach out to sisters.
We Women in Black in Berkeley started standing in support of the Women in Black in Jerusalem. These women faced a great deal of insults and abuse from many of the men in Jerusalem. They continued standing. Soon other women were standing in Tel Aviv and other cities in Israel, and then throughout the world.
The women in Black in Israel reach out to the Palestinian women. They cross borders to be with the Palestinians in their struggle.
In the Bay area there is a dance group called Women in Black. They have reached out to us, the Women in Black in Berkeley.
Our hearts and arms are open. We reach out to all women in peace, in struggle, in hope.
Hilda Roberts, Berkeley California USA